People Matter


Berkeley, CA, USA


Consumer Products · Hardware · Health · Manufacturing


11-50 employees



founded in


StimScience is focused on commercializing our breakthrough neuroscience and sleep research into life-changing products and services for individuals, employers, and health plans. Our team has spent decades pioneering sleep research and non-invasive, personalized brain stimulation applications. It includes world-renowned scientists and advisors Dr. Matthew Walker, Ph.D., Dr. Rich Ivry, Ph.D., Dr. Robert Knight, M.D., Dr. Ram Gurumoorthy, and former Fitbit, Google, and Samsung employees. With initial funding from Khosla Ventures, we are building a world-class team to launch Somnee, our advanced diagnostic and therapeutic products that help people fall asleep faster and with longer, higher-quality restorative sleep. Why Sleep? As our founding Chief Science Advisor, Dr Matthew Walker wrote in his bestselling book, ''Why We Sleep'', “Sleep is the most important thing we can do to reset our brain and body health each day.” Sleep health is central to mental health, long-term memory, learning, and physical fitness. Despite its importance, one in three adults gets an unhealthy amount of sleep, and 51% of people are dissatisfied with their sleep. Sleep is one of the most critical functions of the brain, and our deep understanding of the neuroscience of sleep uniquely positions us to help solve the sleep health epidemic.

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